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Sustainability Resources

Alternative Energy Ordinance



Climate Action Plan



Multimodal Improvement Plan



Sustainable Suggestions







At Middletown Township, sustainability is a part of everyday planning to preserve options for the future, while addressing vital services ranging from parks to public safety.  Sustainability also encompasses a strong sense of community. This includes the concept of a healthy community and quality of life issues.  The Township strives to incorporate principles of sustainability in the Township’s operations to create a community that is a better place to live and work.

Creating a sustainable community requires leadership, vision, and commitment to environmental principles and initiatives from all members of the community.   Middletown Township is currently Gold Certified through the Sustainable Pennsylvania Certification Program. The municipality completed the program’s rigorous assessment which tracks 131 policies and practices that define a sustainable community, many of which Middletown Township practices on a regular basis.  The Assistant Township Manager, in partnership with the Middletown Township Environmental Advisory Council, manages the Township's sustainability efforts. 

Over the past several years the Township has undertaken many initiatives to build a more sustainable community with a focus on quality of life issues. The following are some noteworthy initiatives, policies, and plans:

  • Adoption of the Climate Action Plan
  • Retrofitting of streetlights, field lights, and interior lighting to LEDs
  • Purchase of energy efficient appliances
  • Establishment of a recycling program for municipal facilities including the Municipal Center, Public Works building, Senior Center, parks, and other Township owned facilities
  • Commitment to providing a sustainability awareness component to all municipal sponsored events
  • Installation of several public-facing electric vehicle (EV) charging stations
The sections below detail the Township's sustainability efforts in several key categories.

Middletown Township regularly provides information to the community and business owners about how to employ more sustainable practices, many of which reduce energy consumption.  In a 2018 greenhouse gas inventory completed as part of the 2021 Climate Action Plan, it was identified that more than 60% of all greenhouse gas emissions in Middletown Township come from residential and commercial energy use.  The Township regularly shared information and tips about energy efficiency to the general public through its public information channels.  Much of this information comes from subject matter experts, including local utility companies and higher levels of government.

More than half of all Township employees drive vehicles as a regular part of their duties.  The Township is working to reduce its gasoline and diesel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from its vehicle fleet.  In 2022, the Township plans to take a critical first step by purchasing two (2) hybrid Police vehicles, and two (2) hybrid vehicles for the Building & Zoning and Parks & Recreation Departments.   As additional vehicles across the Township's fleet reach the end of their useful life, the Township plans to purchase additional hybrid or electric vehicles.  The Middletown Township Climate Action Plan outlines several goals to achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction in the coming years.

The Environmental Advisory Council hosted a Rain Garden Seminar featuring guest speaker, Fred Lubnow, Ph.D. This seminar educated and encouraged residents to install rain gardens on their property. The full video of the seminar is available on YouTube.

Rain gardens are an innovative and cost-effective solution to reducing runoff from properties. By collecting rainwater from rooftops, driveways, or streets, and allowing it to soak into the ground, rain gardens not only help prevent erosion and flooding but also improve water quality. Learn more from Fred Lubnow's PowerPoint presentation.

The Township actively encourages water conservation and efficiency measures in the community and among businesses. Though only a small contributor to local greenhouse gas emissions, preserving the quality of the local water supply is critical to the quality of life in the community.  The Township is governed by three separate authorities and entities to provide water and sanitary sewer services.  All three of these water and sewer agencies span multiple municipalities in the region.  The Township regularly advocates with each agency to invest in necessary infrastructure improvements and to improve contingency plans during times of emergency.  The Township also advises businesses and residents to take actionable steps to reduce their water consumption.

The Township maintains stormwater infrastructure throughout the community, both through underground storm sewer networks, and above-ground basins.  In recent years, the Township has increased its capital investment in stormwater management to adapt to the evolving local climate.  When considering new land developments, the Township works extensively with developers to create low-impact development, oftentimes through onsite stormwater infiltration systems.