
2025 Budget Now Available

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The 2025 Budget is now available for public inspection.

The Board of Supervisors will be considering final adoption of the budget on December 16, 2024.

The Middletown Township Board of Supervisors voted Monday, November 18th, to preliminarily approve the 2025 Budget and advertise it for public inspection. The proposed plan includes no proposed tax increase.

The purpose of Middletown Township’s budget is for the Board of Supervisors, the Township’s governing body, to establish its priorities for the disbursement of funds to accomplish its goals. To the public, the budget describes and details how the Township accumulates and dispenses its resources.

Also included in the budget document is a summary of the Township’s organizational and financial goals, goals for each department, and an analysis of the Township’s performance management.

The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to consider adoption of the final 2025 Budget at their meeting on Monday, December 16th. The overall 2025 budget includes $45,141,954 in operational expenditures and $3,509,000 in capital expenditures. An executive summary of the budget document may be found here. Residents are encouraged to review the budget before the next Board of Supervisors meeting on December 16th.

The 2025 budget has been prepared in accordance with the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) criteria and will be submitted for consideration for the prestigious GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the eighth consecutive year.

The 2025 Budget is available at the Municipal Center and online at