A snow emergency will be in effect beginning 12 PM on Sunday, January 19th as a severe winter storm heads our way which is expected to bring several inches of snow accumulations.  Township crews will be working hard to clear any accumulated snow on residential streets.  Crews from PennDOT and PECO will be working to keep state roads clear of snow and utilities in operation.  More information about how we respond to a snow storm can be found here.

Outage information can be reported to PECO, Comcast, or Verizon.

Below are from frequently asked questions about winter storms:

What does Middletown Township do when it snows?
Public Works crews apply salt brine to roadways before, and plow roadways during and after snow storms. Emergency services continue to respond to calls.
When will my street get plowed? 
Streets are plowed throughout the storm. Snow is cleared within 12 hours after the end of the storm. State roads are plowed by PennDOT.
Which neighborhoods get plowed first?
Crews are deployed to assigned areas all over the Township. All plows work together to clear snow at the same time.
Do I need to move my car?
Yes. Cars must be off roadways within one hour after the beginning of a storm, and must remain off the road until at least 12 hours after a storm.
Who is responsible for clearing sidewalks of snow?
Sidewalks in front of homes must be cleared by homeowners within 24 hours after the end of the storm.
What can I do when it snows?
Staying home and off roadways is the best way to endure a snow storm. After a storm, clear walkways of snow to prevent injury.

What happens if my mailbox was struck by a snow plow?
If a snow plow hits a mailbox, please contact Geri Anderson in Public Works for assistance.  

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Parks & Recreation

The Middletown Township Department of Parks and Recreation is responsible for the use and maintenance of all Township recreation facilities and parks; the preservation and conservation of open space and natural resources; and the creation and implementation of programs and events that meet the needs and interests of residents, contribute to the health and well-being of the community, and encourage a sense of community pride and identity.

Department staff also assist the volunteers of the Parks and Recreation Board and Environmental Advisory Council.

For any questions or concerns regarding access to programs and activities managed by the Department of Parks and Recreation, please call 215-750-3890.

For instructions on how to create an online program registration, click here.

Departmental Contacts

+1 (215) 750-3890

Paul Kopera
Parks & Recreation Director

Patrick Graham
Program Coordinator

Joanne Morelli
Program Specialist

Nicole Tener
Program Specialist

Rita Wilson
Parks & Recreation Administrative Assistant

Parks & Recreation News

Help Shape Middletown's Parks & Recreation Future!

Your voice matters! Middletown Township is updating its 15-year Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Greenways & Trails Plan. Share your ideas and help shape the future of our parks and trails by completing the survey or attending a public meeting. Learn more below!

Holiday Open House

Join in the fun at Middletown Township's annual Holiday Open House, sponsored by Amazon Fresh! This festive event will take place on Thursday, December 12, from 5:30 – 8:30pm

Park and Recreation Board Meeting

Join the Park and Recreation Board on December 9th for their last meeting of the year. 

Parks & Recreation Events

Environmental Advisory Council Meeting
Park and Rec Comprehensive Plan Public Meeting
Teen Talent Show