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Parks & Recreation

Comprehensive Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Greenways & Trails Plan


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Comprehensive Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Greenways & Trails Plan

Middletown Parks & Recreation & Simone Collins are in the process of developing a new Comprehensive Parks, Recreation, Open Space, Greenways & Trails plan.  This plan will update a previous 2005 plan, and help to guide the township's decision making on everything related to our parks system over the next 15 years.  

The 2025 CRPOSGT Plan will:
  • Reassess community recreation needs
  • Inventory and assess current park facilities, open spaces and natural resources
  • Assess maintenance protocols - seeking efficiencies and sustainable practices to incorporate for the stewardship of facilities and open spaces.
  • Identify improvement areas for department administration to seek national accreditation
  • Coordinate the recently completed MT Multimodal Improvement Plan recommendations with recreational analysis for a more walkable, inter-connected pedestrian / bike-friendly community.
As a part of the process, the township needs public input to properly asses the community's recreation needs. If you would like to participate in this process, please complete the public survey or join us at one of our public meetings!  Information regarding both can be found on the flyer below.

Zoom participants can access the 1/23 public meeting at this link

Zoom participants will be able to view the presentation and take part in a virtual version of the in person breakout activity.  Users can also send in any comments or feedback via the chat function, which will be monitored throughout the meeting. 
