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Real Estate Tax


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Real Estate Tax

The Middletown Township Board of Supervisors determines the annual millage rate for the Real Estate Tax at the time that the budget is adopted each year. The Bucks County Board of Assessment determines the assessment of each property. The Real Estate Tax is calculated by multiplying the appropriate millage by the assessed value as determined by the Bucks County Board of Assessment. Up-to-date tax rates can be found on the Middletown Township Tax Collector's website.

The total Real Estate Tax rate for the 2025 calendar year is 19.025 mills of assessed valuation. The tax is broken down as follows:

General Fund - 7.325 mills
Street Light Fund - 0.788 mills
Fire Protection Fund - 1.920 mills
Park and Recreation Fund - 1.920 mills
Ambulance and Rescue Fund - 0.440 mills
Road Machinery Fund - 0.300 mills
Fire Hydrant Fund - 0.137 mills
Fire Apparatus Fund- 1.080 mills
Debt Service Fund - 5.115 mills
One mill is equal to $1 of tax for every $1,000 of assessed property value.

The Neshaminy School District and Bucks County also levy Real Estate Taxes on residents in Middletown Township. To find out the current Real Estate Tax rates of these and other jurisdiction, please visit the Bucks County website. If you need to request a refund of real estate taxes due to a reduction or reassessment notice from the Bucks County Board of Assessments, please click here for instructions.