Find Your New Waste Service Day

Beginning January 6th, Waste Management began to implement a new trash collection schedule featuring once-a-week collection in Middletown Township. Trash, recycling, and yard waste will all be picked up on the same day, with bulk waste collected during the third week of each month on your collection day.  Click here to learn more

Use our interactive tool to find your new collection day: Trash Service Day Lookup

Christmas trees are picked up on residents’ collection day throughout the month of January.  Make sure all of the decorations and lights are removed.  Do not place trees in plastic bags.

center center


Rain Garden Seminar Hosted by the Environmental Advisory Council


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Rain Garden Seminar Hosted by the Environmental Advisory Council

A rain garden is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rainwater from a roof, driveway or street and allows it to soak into the ground. Planted with grasses and flowering perennials, rain gardens can be a cost effective and beautiful way to reduce runoff from your property.

Rain gardens can also help filter out pollutants in runoff and provide food and shelter for butterflies, songbirds and other wildlife. The expert panelist, Fred Lubnow, Ph.D., will educate you on he proves so you can set up your own rain garden.

To register for this free event, please visit


Municipal Center
3 Municipal Way,
Langhorne, PA 19047