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Board of Supervisors Reorganization Meeting


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Board of Supervisors Reorganization Meeting

Watch the Board of Supervisors meeting live on YouTube.

The Middletown Township Board of Supervisors will be holding a hybrid meeting on Monday, January 6, 2025, at 7 PM.  Just as before, residents can view the meeting live on television (Comcast Channel 22 or Verizon Channel 30), on YouTube, or on the Township's website.  Residents are also welcome to attend in-person.  
Residents are encouraged to provide feedback to the Board of Supervisors before and during public meetings. Public comment on agenda items will occur on each item before a vote is made. Public comment on non-agenda items will occur at the beginning of the meeting. Anyone providing public comment must begin by stating their name and address for the record.  Public comments during the meeting can be made via Zoom and in-person.

Making a Public Comment BEFORE the Meeting:
Public comments made prior to the meeting must be submitted by 5 PM on the night of the meeting. Residents have two options:
• Email – send an email to Please indicate “Public Comment” in the subject line.
• Text – send a text message to (215) 995-1249. Standard messaging rates may apply.

Making a Public Comment DURING the Meeting
Residents will be able to join the Zoom meeting audience online or by dialing in.


Middletown Township Municipal Center
Public Hall
3 Municipal Way
Langhorne, PA 19047