
Spring Stormwater Tips to Keep the Environment Safe

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With the arrival of spring, many of us are looking forward to warmer temperatures, blooming flowers, and longer days. But with the change in seasons also comes an increased risk of stormwater runoff. As snow and ice melt and the rains of spring arrive, it's important to take steps to manage stormwater and prevent flooding and erosion in our community.
Here are some stormwater management tips for the springtime:

  • Clean out gutters and downspouts. Clear any debris from gutters and downspouts to ensure that rainwater can flow freely away from your home.
  • Inspect your yard for erosion. As the ground thaws and rain falls, it's important to look for any signs of erosion in your yard. If you notice any areas where soil is washing away, consider installing a rain garden or other form of erosion control to prevent further damage.
  • Plant native vegetation. Adding native plants to your yard can help soak up excess water and prevent runoff. Consider planting trees, shrubs, and flowers that are native to our area.
  • Limit the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Chemicals used to fertilize lawns and gardens can be carried by rainwater into nearby streams and waterways, causing pollution. Limit the use of these products or consider using organic alternatives.
By taking these simple steps, you can help to manage stormwater and prevent flooding and erosion in our community. Remember, we all have a role to play in protecting our local waterways, and by working together, we can keep our community clean, safe, and healthy.