A snow emergency will be in effect beginning 12 PM on Sunday, January 19th as a severe winter storm heads our way which is expected to bring several inches of snow accumulations.  Township crews will be working hard to clear any accumulated snow on residential streets.  Crews from PennDOT and PECO will be working to keep state roads clear of snow and utilities in operation.  More information about how we respond to a snow storm can be found here.

Outage information can be reported to PECO, Comcast, or Verizon.

Below are from frequently asked questions about winter storms:

What does Middletown Township do when it snows?
Public Works crews apply salt brine to roadways before, and plow roadways during and after snow storms. Emergency services continue to respond to calls.
When will my street get plowed? 
Streets are plowed throughout the storm. Snow is cleared within 12 hours after the end of the storm. State roads are plowed by PennDOT.
Which neighborhoods get plowed first?
Crews are deployed to assigned areas all over the Township. All plows work together to clear snow at the same time.
Do I need to move my car?
Yes. Cars must be off roadways within one hour after the beginning of a storm, and must remain off the road until at least 12 hours after a storm.
Who is responsible for clearing sidewalks of snow?
Sidewalks in front of homes must be cleared by homeowners within 24 hours after the end of the storm.
What can I do when it snows?
Staying home and off roadways is the best way to endure a snow storm. After a storm, clear walkways of snow to prevent injury.

What happens if my mailbox was struck by a snow plow?
If a snow plow hits a mailbox, please contact Geri Anderson in Public Works for assistance.  


New Year New Projects

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Check out these 6 required steps that must be obtained before any construction or remodeling can begin.

The permit process:

  1. Visit or Call the Building & Zoning Department: The staff will ask “What is the work you are planning to do?” and “Where are you planning on doing it?”  Staff will then further explain the requirements (codes/ordinances) regarding your project.  The permit applications required for completion and submission will be given to you at this time.  This initial contact will provide you with the resources and information needed to make the process go as smoothly as possible.
  1. Submit Application: Permit application forms require information about the project.  You will be asked to document “who” will perform the work, “what” work will be done, “where” the work will be done, and “when” the work will be done.  Sketches, drawings, plans, and/or other documentation of the proposed work will have to be submitted for review.  All required permit applications and necessary information must be submitted as a complete package.  No fee is needed at this time.  This does not include the possible payment of an escrow.  The Township will contact you if an escrow is required, as well as explain the reasons for the escrow payment.
  1. Review Process: Most permit applications for residential improvements are processed within 10-15 business days.  The project will be reviewed to determine if it is in compliance with the construction codes, the zoning ordinance, and other municipal or State ordinances and statutes.  An applicant will be notified if additional information is needed.  An applicant will be notified when the permit is approved and the total fee needing to be paid in order to receive the permit.
  1. Receive Permit: The permit is the document granting legal permission to start construction.  You must proceed with the construction that was approved during the review process.  Inspections required for your project will be indicated on the permit.  The permit should be posted in a window or other prominent place at the construction site.  Always keep a copy of the plans at the site.  Any proposed changes outside of what was approved based on the documents reviewed to gain the permit must be brought to attention of the Building Inspector immediately.  Changes will require a review and approval in the same manner as the original application.
  1. Inspection Visits: Each major phase of construction must be inspected by the Building Inspector(s) to make certain the work conforms to the code, the permit, and the approved plan.  The person responsible for the construction project must request each inspection at least 24 to 48 hours in advance.  If an inspector identifies work not meeting the approved plans, the inspector will advise (and possibly provide written notice) the remedy to the issue.  If the violation is serious, a stop work order may be posted until the problem is resolved. Another inspection may be necessary before work can resume.
  1. Receive Certificate of Occupancy: The inspector will issue a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) when full code compliance is determined and all final inspections are completed.  This certificate is the formal document which marks the completion of your construction project and gives you permission to occupy your new or renovated building with knowledge that it has met the safety standards of your community.

If you have any questions please call (215) 750-3800 x1112