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Bulk Waste Collection Resumes

Waste Management has resumed collection of bulk waste items.  Residents are allowed to place one (1) bulk item out on their second collection day of the week.

Martin Luther King Day

Township offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2020 in observance of Martin Luther King D......

Middletown Township Board of Supervisors Proclaim June as Pride Month

Middletown Township Board of Supervisors Proclaim June as Pride Month.

Sergeant Mike Lubold Retires After Over Three Decades of Service

After over thirty-three and a half years of service, Sergeant Mike Lubold has signed off for the last time.

Important Note About Trash Collection Fees

Most residents recently received a notice with information about the new contract with Waste Management.

Tune Into Middletown Township Talks Independence Day Parade Podcast Episode

Listen to Middletown Township Talks to hear about the Independence Day Parade.
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