
Trash Contract Updates

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Middletown Township Trash and Recycling Contract Updates 

Welcome to Middletown Township's information hub for the new trash and recycling service contract. We are committed to keeping our community informed about the upcoming changes and options available for the next five years. Click here to take the survey by Friday, August 9th and share your feedback.

Bids and Options
Middletown Township received bids from three companies, with Waste Management being the lowest bidder for all options. The new bids include maintaining the current service or moving to cost-saving alternatives such as once-a-week collection and/or automated collection. State purchasing law requires the Township seek bids for this service. The Township cannot negotiate a new trash contract.

Options Being Considered
  1. Existing Service - Twice-a-Week Manual Collection: $682-$700 per year (70-75% increase)
  2. Twice-a-Week Automated Collection: $644-$660 per year (60-65% increase)
  3. Once-a-Week Automated Collection: $476-$512 per year (19-28% increase)
Bulk Waste Collection
Changing from weekly (one item limit) to monthly (two item limit) bulk waste collection is being considered as a cost-control measure.

Survey and Feedback
Your feedback is crucial as the Board of Supervisors will award the new contract on Monday, August 12. Click here to take the survey by Friday, August 9th and share your feedback.  Public input is one of several factors the Board of Supervisors is taking into consideration.

Catch up on the latest "Trash Talks" E-News
Trash Talks 1 (June 14) - Introduction and Background about Trash Contract
Trash Talks 2 (June 27) - Pricing Information
Trash Talks 3 (July 9) - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Trash Talks 4 (July 30) - Postcards Headed Your Way
Trash Talks 5 (December 5) - New Bins Coming Your Way

When Will a Decision Be Made?
The Middletown Township Board of Supervisors is slated to award a contract for trash and recycling services on Monday, August 12.  Regardless of the decision made, more information will be shared online and via postcard about residents' solid waste and recycling services for the upcoming contract term (through 2029).

Still Have Questions?
Send us your questions to for more information.

Thank you for your participation in shaping the future of our community's trash and recycling services.